Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gay Ghosts Trigger Romance

As I say in the review of Z. A. Maxfield's Rhapsody for Piano and Ghost that went live today at AAR, I love the St. Nacho novels, so wanted to see what Maxfield would do with a paranormal theme.

While I enjoyed Rhapsody, it didn't leave the satisfied "aaahhhh" feeling that a good romance usually does.  I think this is because the character of Ari, the older former boy-band member who's often a mentor to Fitz, the classically-trained piano virtuoso, is a little harder to like than the other characters in the book.

Added to that, the ghost couple who bring Fitz and Ari together seem to be an author invention that doesn't quite work.  Don't get me wrong, however.  The novel is enjoyable to read and laugh-out-loud funny at times, and equally heart-breaking at others, but still there's a manipulative feeling about it that leaves me a little off.

I applaud Maxfield for writing outside her comfort zone.  But I'd really rather she get back to the brilliance of St. Nacho and give readers (okay, yes, me!) another addition to that series.

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