Monday, May 16, 2011

Oh, my!

Well, a cold slowed me down from blogging, but not from reading.  I finished and reviewed some for Booklist and some for AAR: Lori Foster's When You Dare, Katie Lane's Going Cowboy Crazy, Fern Michaels' reprint Golden Lasso, Shirlee Busbee's Rapture Becomes Her, Elizabeth Jennings' Darkness at Dawn, Shelley Shepard Gray's The Caregiver, and Stefanie Sloane's The Angel in My Arms.

I'm currently reading Lynn Kurland's One Magic Moment and really enjoying it.

And I've got to review sometime soon Carolyn Brown's Walkin' on Clouds and Cindy Jones' very disappointing My Jane Austen Summer.

All in all, getting sick was great for the reading time, but deathly on the reviewing.  I couldn't think!  Eeek!

That only leaves me to read six review books: Stefanie Sloane's The Sinner Who Seduced Me, Linda Lael Miller's Creed's Honor which I'm really looking forward to reading, Vicky Dreiling's How to Seduce a Scoundrel, Karen Robards' Justice, Liz Fielding's Tempted by Trouble, and Kaki Warner's Hearbreak Creek, another one I'm looking forward to reading.

As if all of that isn't enough, I'm currently reading Kathleen Eagle's Once a Father on my Kindle for pleasure!

As we say, let the summer begin!

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