Sunday, November 13, 2011

5 Reviewed in Booklist's latest

The November 1, 2011, issue of Booklist carries a whopping five of my reviews:

* Demons Like It Hot by Sidney Ayers, a sequel to her Demons Prefer Blondes that I reviewed for the June 2011 edition of Booklist.  Book two follows closely on the heels of book one, so it's more of a squeekquel.

* Silver Sparks by Starr Ambrose, a cautionary tale about taking on the popular press and one of its icons.  This one asks the question, "What's truth go to do with it?"

* A Place Called Home by Jo Goodman that I read and wrote the review in August, but the publication date got pushed back until December.  It's been so long ago that I had to read the review to remember what the book was about.

* The Heart of a Killer by Jaci Burton, which is a cautionary tale about childhood love and trust.  I thought another character would have made a better killer, but the one Burton picks isn't totally unbelievable.

* Briar Patch by Linda Sole, which is melodrama writ large.  I couldn't believe what glowing reviews her other books have gotten.  This one was pure soap opera.

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