Thursday, March 6, 2014

Reed's Sequel to Hungry for Love

I absolutely love the passion that leaps off the pages of Rick R. Reed's books.  His Legally Wed isn't as gritty as his Raining Men or as sappy as Hungry for Love, but it shows how completely vested he is in his story just as the others also demonstrate that trait.

Having been married to a gay man for a year and having left the marriage bitter and resentful because he wasn't up front about the fact that he was gay, I empathized with Marilyn in Legally Wed a little more than I think Reed did.  But then how could he know some of the thoughts that go through the heads of the Marilyns of the world?

This is one of the few times I've wished I could have been in on a writer's creative process and possibly helped the writer turn a really good book into a great one.  Between what I know as the wife of a gay man and what Reed knows as a gay man, I think we could have turned out a terrific romance.  (LOL)

As it was, Reed was on his own, writing an interesting and impassioned novel.  Thanks for another good read, Mr. Reed!

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