Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hockey Vs. Ice Skater: Who's More Manly?

Having grown up around ice and skating, I've always been jealous of those who can put on skates, get on ice, and look confident.  After many years of lessons and just "goofing off" on the ice, I never learned the skill--and it is definitely a skill!

That's why Teegan Loy's Picks & Pucks intrigued me.  Here's an excerpt from the review that was posted today at The Romance Reviews:

If an ice skater is equally talented as both a hockey player and figure skater, is it less manly to hone his figure skating skills? Teegan Loy's romance lands solidly on the line, declaring that both figure and hockey skating demand strength and precision.

The author also tackles the question of image as figure skater Justin Corrin works to become a member of the United States Olympic team while coming out as a gay man. Justin's been in a closeted relationship with his friend Danny, a hockey player.

Danny's a real piece of work, acting hot and heavy when he's with Justin behind closed doors and making fun of Justin in front of the hockey team.

This all changes when Justin throws over Danny after he meets C. J. Daly, a new hockey player on the team that Justin's father coaches. While Justin and C. J. immediately click, Justin realizes right away that something isn't right with C. J., a fact corroborated by others who know him.

Since Justin hasn't really talked to his father after he reacted badly to Justin's coming out, Justin leaves C. J. alone, not demanding that he talk about his troubled past. Besides, Justin has demons of his own.

Read the rest of the review at The Romance Reviews.

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